Friday, October 3, 2008

Featured Poet: Rachel Eagle Reiter

O Sweet Flowery Roses is back in high gear, and more tenacious than a pitbull in lipstick (but not as mercilessly stupid as Sarah Palin). THE GOOD NEWS: OSFR is totally flooded with submissions and it will take at least a week or so to get them all up! A WHOLE WEEK! WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU: Keep on a-submittin'. We'll keep stoking the proverbial fire in the hearth as a representation of something. WHAT THIS MEANS TO YOUR FAMILY: If you live in the NYC area, please let us know ( Our next reading is tenitively scheduled for early-mid Novemeber in Williamsburg. Enjoy Ms. Reiter: Part of Me Dear Violin I hold you close to me so that-- your are One with me an extension of my self a part of me and a pure expression of All that I can not-- begin to say Color me Autumn October air how I delight! in your coolness, inspiring me to breathe more deeply, as I walk into the Fall-- a season of True Color What is a Face? A face is: a thousand words telling you secrets without uttering a sound. A face is a story that can not lie even if it tries to hide the essence of self-- it can not succeed; for a face is the beacon of a human soul